
Continuous integration solution

Tars web not yet direct supported git/svn, need upload zip file every time,Here is a continuous integration scheme based on 'Jenkins' for your reference. Specific business may need to be adjusted according to the actual situation.


Here we use the pipeline of 'Jenkins' to build a continuous integration environment(use tars web http api). Take 'QD. Acthttpserver' as an example from github examples

  1. Create a new build node phpenv,node can use docker,contain:

    • php

    • composer

    • jq The command line tool of JSON under Linux is convenient for parsing JSON returned from HTTP interface

    • phpunit non essential

    • valgrind non essential

  2. Install the following plugin

    • Valgrind Plug-in

    • Pipeline

    • Workspace Cleanup Plugin

  3. Create a new pipeline job: QD.ActHttpServer

  4. Pipeline script:

         pipeline {
             agent {
                 node {
                     label 'phpenv'
             parameters { 
                 string(defaultValue: 'upload_from_jenkins', name: 'TAG_DESC', description: 'Release description' )
                 string(defaultValue: 'master', name: 'BRANCH_NAME', description: 'git branch,such as:develop,master  default: master')
             environment {
                 def JENKINS_HOME = "/home/jenkins"
                 def PROJECT_ROOT = "$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/QD.ActHttpServer"
                 def APP_NAME = "QD"
                 def SERVER_NAME = "ActHttpServer"
             stages {
                     steps {
                         echo "checkout from git"
                         git credentialsId:'2', url: '', branch: "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
                 stage('unitTest') {
                     steps {
                         echo "phpunit test"
                         echo "valgrind test"
                 stage('coverageTest') {
                     steps {
                         echo "LCOV Coverage test"
                 stage('Compiling and publishing') {
                     steps {
                         script {
                             dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/examples/TarsActDemo/QD.ActHttpServer/src") {
                                 echo "QD.ActHttpServer Compiling and publishing"
                                 sh "composer install -vvv"
                                 sh "composer run-script deploy"
                                 sh "ls *.tar.gz > tmp.log"
                                 def packageDeploy = sh(script: "head -n 1 tmp.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                                 sh "curl -H 'Host:tars.qidian.local' -F 'suse=@./${packageDeploy}' -F 'application=${APP_NAME}' -F 'module_name=${SERVER_NAME}' -F 'comment=${env.TAG_DESC}' http://tars.qidian.local/pages/server/api/upload_patch_package > curl.log"
                                 def packageVer = sh(script: "jq '' curl.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                                 def postJson = '{"serial":true,"items":[{"server_id":28,"command":"patch_tars","parameters":{"patch_id":' + packageVer + ',"bak_flag":false,"update_text":"${env.TAG_DESC}"}}]}'
                                 echo postJson
                                 sh "curl -H 'Host:tars.qidian.local' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST --data '${postJson}' http://tars.qidian.local/pages/server/api/add_task"
             post {
                 success {
                     emailext (
                         subject: "[jenkins] Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} success  !",
                         body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                         mimeType: 'text/html',
                         to: "",
                 failure {
                     emailext (
                         subject: "[jenkins] Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} fail !",
                         body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                         mimeType: 'text/html',
                         to: "",
  5. Execution Construction

  6. View build results (mail notification)

  7. tars web

Last updated