

Laravel in Tars with ci

  • Support Packing code

  • Support Laravel/Lumen develop

  • Support TarsConfig

  • Support TarsLog

  • Support tars register

  • Support Request start(laravel.tars.requesting)、Request end(laravel.tars.requested) event

  • Support echo content

  • Support http & tars Protocol

  • Support zipkin (Removed,can uselaravel-zipkin)

  • Limited by the design of the framework itself, it does not support cooperation


  1. Create project

    Create the tars project directory structure (scripts、src、tars),put Laravel/Lumen project in src directory.

  2. Install Laravel Tars

    Update Composer

    composer require "luoxiaojun1992/laravel-tars:*"

    or add requirement to composer.json

      "require": {
        "luoxiaojun1992/laravel-tars": "*"

    add ServiceProvider,edit src/bootstrap/app.php


    Initialization Laravel Tars

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tars
  3. edit proto in src/config/tars.php ,change appName、serverName、objName

  4. If you use the HTTP protocol, you need to automatically register to the gateway (now only support Kong),edit src/config/tars.php

    'registries' => [
             'type' => 'kong',
             'url' => 'http://kong:8001/upstreams/tars_mysql8/targets', //Fill in according to the actual situation
  5. TarsConfig & TarsLog

    The configuration will be pulled automatically when the service starts,If you need to log,can use Log::info('test log');

    If you need to specify the minimum log level for Tarslog logging,edit src/config/tars.php

    'log_level' => \Monolog\Logger::INFO
  6. If you use the HTTP protocol, code in a framework native way

     $router->get('/test', function () {
         \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log::info('laravel tars test log');
         return 'Laravel Tars Test Success';
  7. If you use the tasrsprotocol

    Write the tars interface description file in the tars directory,edit proto in src/config/tars,add tarsFiles

    Executing compilation script in scripts directory to generate interface code


    Create interface implementation class in src/app/Tars/impl directory and write business logic code

    Edit services in src/config/tars.php,replace interface and interface implementation namespace

  8. Setting up the development environment of TarsPHP

    If using the HTTP protocol, refer toTARS-PHP-HTTP Server and client development

    If using the tars protocol, refer toTARS-PHP-TCP Server and client development

  9. Package the project in the tars PHP development environment(run php artisan tars:deploy in src)

  10. Publish the project in the tars management background, please refer to TARS-PHP-TCP Server and client development),测试curl 'http://{ip}:{port}/{api_route}'

Continuous integration

Jenkins Pipeline Configuration example (modified according to actual situation)


pipeline {
    agent {
        node {
            label 'phpenv'
    parameters {
        string(defaultValue: 'upload_from_jenkins', name: 'TAG_DESC', description: 'description' )
        string(defaultValue: 'master', name: 'BRANCH_NAME', description: 'git brunch,such as:develop,master  default: master')
    environment {
        def JENKINS_HOME = "/root/jenkins"
        def PROJECT_ROOT = "$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/laravel-tars-demo"
        def APP_NAME = "PHPTest"
        def SERVER_NAME = "LaravelTars"
    stages {
            steps {
                echo "checkout from git"
                git credentialsId:'2', url: '', branch: "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "Composer Install"
                        sh "composer clear-cache"
                        sh "composer install -vvv"
                        sh "cp .env.example .env"
                        sh "php artisan config:clear"
                        sh "php artisan config:cache"
        stage('unitTest') {
            steps {
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "phpunit test"
                        sh "vendor/bin/phpunit tests/"
                        echo "valgrind test"
        stage('coverageTest') {
            steps {
                echo "LCOV coverageTest"
        stage('Compiling and publishing') {
            steps {
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "deploy"
                        sh "php artisan tars:deploy"
                        echo "publishing"
                        sh "ls *.tar.gz > tmp.log"
                        echo "upload build tgz"
                        def packageDeploy = sh(script: "head -n 1 tmp.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                        sh "curl -H 'Host:' -F 'suse=@./${packageDeploy}' -F 'application=${APP_NAME}' -F 'module_name=${SERVER_NAME}' -F 'comment=${env.TAG_DESC}' > curl.log"
                        echo "package build tagz"
                        def packageVer = sh(script: "jq '' curl.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                        def postJson = '{"serial":true,"items":[{"server_id":"34","command":"patch_tars","parameters":{"patch_id":' + packageVer + ',"bak_flag":false,"update_text":"${env.TAG_DESC}"}}]}'
                        echo postJson
                        sh "curl -H 'Host:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST --data '${postJson}'"
    post {
        success {
            emailext (
                subject: "[jenkins]Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} success  !",
                body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                mimeType: 'text/html',
                to: "",
        failure {
            emailext (
                subject: "[jenkins]Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} fail !",
                body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                mimeType: 'text/html',
                to: "",


pipeline {
    agent {
        node {
            label 'phpenv'
    parameters {
        string(defaultValue: 'upload_from_jenkins', name: 'TAG_DESC', description: 'description' )
        string(defaultValue: 'master', name: 'BRANCH_NAME', description: 'gitbrunch,such as:develop,master  default: master')
    environment {
        def JENKINS_HOME = "/root/jenkins"
        def PROJECT_ROOT = "$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/lumen-tars-demo"
        def APP_NAME = "PHPTest"
        def SERVER_NAME = "LumenTars"
    stages {
            steps {
                echo "checkout from git"
                git credentialsId:'2', url: '', branch: "${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "Composer Install"
                        sh "composer clear-cache"
                        sh "composer install -vvv"
                        sh "cp .env.example .env"
        stage('unitTest') {
            steps {
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "phpunit test"
                        sh "vendor/bin/phpunit tests/"
                        echo "valgrind test"
        stage('coverageTest') {
            steps {
                echo "LCOV coverageTest"
        stage('Compiling and publishing') {
            steps {
                script {
                    dir("$PROJECT_ROOT/src") {
                        echo "deploy"
                        sh "php artisan tars:deploy"
                        echo "publishing"
                        sh "ls *.tar.gz > tmp.log"
                        echo "upload build tgz"
                        def packageDeploy = sh(script: "head -n 1 tmp.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                        sh "curl -H 'Host:' -F 'suse=@./${packageDeploy}' -F 'application=${APP_NAME}' -F 'module_name=${SERVER_NAME}' -F 'comment=${env.TAG_DESC}' > curl.log"
                        echo "package build tagz"
                        def packageVer = sh(script: "jq '' curl.log", returnStdout: true).trim()
                        def postJson = '{"serial":true,"items":[{"server_id":"33","command":"patch_tars","parameters":{"patch_id":' + packageVer + ',"bak_flag":false,"update_text":"${env.TAG_DESC}"}}]}'
                        echo postJson
                        sh "curl -H 'Host:' -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -X POST --data '${postJson}'"
    post {
        success {
            emailext (
                subject: "[jenkins]Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} success  !",
                body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                mimeType: 'text/html',
                to: "",
        failure {
            emailext (
                subject: "[jenkins]Construction notice:${env.JOB_NAME} brunch: ${env.BRANCH_NAME} - Build# ${env.BUILD_NUMBER} fail !",
                body: '${SCRIPT, template="groovy-html.template"}',
                mimeType: 'text/html',
                to: "",

Last updated